Situation has rendered our Facebook account unuseful
So I am looking into several outlets to do damage control as well as rescuing our accounts. @ our expense no less. This kind of outright bull manure is way off from my usual activities. I should be able to rectify this short of flying to Palo Alto California landing my chopper in the middle of their courtyard walking in with an oak solid ball bat and giving some FB college Jenks a AyreWolf style attitude adjustment.
So ya'll just be patient we are twisting a few testicles of the who and all's involved.
This kind of manure is just a big version of what happens when you deal with bots and A.I. Nothing replaces the reasoning skills and stretch of a true human being in the help chair. All our content is being held hostage by Meta that we cannot seem to break through that glass wall.
At nearly $500.00 an hour of revenue loss somebody at Meta is going to feel some real pain.
Big day today getting our finances regurgitated. Had to change bank accounts last month and that caused us another gall darn day of us not getting the flagship station back on the air.
DO I recommend Facebook to anyone else in business? No. Do I say that you should not advertise on Facebook again no. The pay per click isn't worth it.
Ayrewolf Aviation has grown from a single suggestion to a thriving and energetic company with 122 aircraft and 7 airbase we fly out of and headquartered at 4 of those 7 ayrebases . That growth did not, repeat did not come from being on Fakebook it came from a simple listing on . At a simple price of $10.00 a month I might add. Not the $25.00 per click of Facebook. But in media you need to have some public exposure as in Facebook. Just keep that exposure to a brief limit.
Staying here for the next 4 days here at the Affordable Inn of Evanston Wyoming, then cruise down the highway to Tweaker Flatts Idaho to do battle there with the Syndicates bank and my Ssa/V.A. pension funds.
Lights out.
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