Wednesday, July 10, 2024

part doux

Now part duox. 
What few open business's that remained open during the pandemic is still under the gun 🔫 from those days of medium amounts of jobs to jobs galore. What we don't have the people are not willing to work. If it's not a sleaze job they don't want to do it. Consider what was built is in jeopardy. Why cuz nobody feels the need to bust a sweat.  The immigration problem isn't a real problem.  It's a collective effort that had aroused because Americans got lazy. America got complacent and our Southern brown border conquistadors found that if they are willing to work for Lower wages that the highly Whiteyies won't get off their padded hinders to do. 
If the Government wanted to do the smart thing why not roll out a program to All Americans a million dollars.  With that million dollars the end is that A: open a business.  Or go to a trade school to learn how to do a real job paying a real wage for something tangible. Be it construction on a home or building 👷‍♂️ or a service 🤔 that makes money.  
Example one of the eating establishments I go to. Closes way to early than they should.  Why? No available employees. Another is Jodies Diner here in Evanston Wyoming.  Some of the best food and eating examples of affordable dining. They close for two days a week.  Why? Not that it's not the lack of business, nope it's a severe lack of hirable employees. We are killing ourselves. What we see constantly is the degradation of anything that resembles independent individual thought or creativity. 
I always think of a bunch of things that come from the minds of who I will say was thinking out of the box that was yet to put in a box. Gene Roddenberry of StarTrek was dead on when it came to collective thinking.  It was brought forth into a race that were all created or programmed to think alike. Called the Borg. The statement tha Lacutic said that resistance is futile. That is what we are rolling into unless a few of us creates a serious disturbance in the force and start to foster creativity and independent thought. That is what we created in 2018 called Hazzard County University. A place that cultivates independent thought and research. It goes beyond that but can be said in just a few words. Resistance is not futile.  More over instead of saying why here? We say why not here? Unlike sheep Wolvez are leaders. We hunt and defend the pack at all costs and that's what the bottom line of the WolfPack is and why we are growing. We may have taken off our dress blues and now wear battle Grey we are defending a nation and a world. 
Over the next few days  I will be off line for some serious R&R. But I will be watching. Until 08/15/2024 when you seethe full moon Don't hesitate to Howl. 

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