Wednesday, July 10, 2024

but can you fight them?

It's no big secret that social media and social marketing is required in this Era. 
No longer a spit and handshake does not get the acknowledgement that it used to.
In this period of time in and fore the first thing some body asks is: do you have a web site? If not the continued response is going to be rather cold if not exist at all. 
Having IT in your plan's is a great idea many times even Artificial Intelligence can't do what humans do.  Humanoid brain 🧠 can reson as well as get out of the box and can introduce imagination where the other can't. 
While its a fact that those in charge of things today don't have people skills and could you imagine Boss Hogg didn't have IT ? Still in business today a computer or online access is vitally important. Social Norms are different these days the arm Twisting of years ago no longer apply. Shine runners will always be Shine runners. It's just part of our DNA. THE dredged chase it down battle flag of our Confederacy is only 1 of many of our social norms. Those who know , more than BDO we extend ourselves as the only noise of the Confederate Rebel voice. Not pre recorded not Automated but on the air 24 7 365. That is who we are. After my phone charges up a bit I will delve into this a bit further.

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