Monday, July 22, 2024

Butt can they understand English more over Souther Dixie English.

Now let us delve into Dixie Nation Newez 
So here was my experience with the new guard dogs at the Twin Falls Idaho office of the Social Security Administration.  
Two weeks ago here I was in downtown town Evanston Wyoming getting ready for festivities of the refyre of our radio networks western Wyoming/Utahs hub station.
So with nearing the end of the engineering version of that project approaching it was just about time for me to depart for home in Western Idaho.  Now somewhere in the Conversation the information exchange a I mentioned that the Knytes aka Knytes of Dixie MC  owned some scrub ground. That the MC was donating for my use for 
My container house to sit on.
AppRently the fact that land was being set aside for my use meant my use not my ownership. 
So this Fish Taco at the Ssa office wrote that I owned the ground. Not since 1984 I haven't.  That was the before the Montgomery Foundation that its prior Trustee invested my money and property into some sort of dFuncked annuity. If I had known then what was up I would have taken action. Even from the MCAS in Kandahar .
By the time I got back here and in the attempt to re establish that mini empires operations found that the Slight amount of casholeeia was gone apparently the cash receipts had been infiltrated by some greedy Lincolnites in Washington State. Oops $250,million of a oops. 
So Cousin Bud took the still ours liquid $'s and aided in establishing AyreWolf Aviation. You all know the rest if the story of that.
What I am getting to here is that had the MexiCally woman at this SSA office here done what was needed and not pulled the plug on my benefits as they are, I could have remained in ETOWN finished up the radio station project there and been okay. As it is LexiBelle 
Still needs her heart Transplant, and hiring new media talent for the station. But here I sit in Tweaker Flatts Idaho no funds and no home until my SSA pay day. Just because some Chilli shittin woman at the SSA office here can't speak good American English ,, and especially Southern Bred American English.  For ya'll that are following along here youins is Ya'll is ya'll plus 4 more people. 
The invention of the plastic trash bag as a do all carry all piece of personal carry luggage is sincerely a Dixie Nation invention.. many other inventions from good old Jazz music to deep fried Okra to Goody's Headache Powders.
To thininstinal American sport NASCAR. 
FROM Coca-Cola. To your All American favorite RootBeer to the internationally famous shopping experience Walmart. Is Southern Built and Southern Bred
Don't ever think that we from the nation of Dixie are stupid. EVER hear the saying, " dumb as" That comes from the south the original saying is dumb as a bore hog. They aiñt dumb nor stupid. Just crafty.
Ya'll buckle up

Sunday, July 14, 2024

but do I really need that?

TYte would seam that one always has to download one damn app to get tothe real juicy one that you really want. Of course it's modern upscale upscale but damn it, if I'd wanted the other thing I would have downloaded it first. Of course after that you get all the damn offers. For crap or causes or crappy causes to begin with. Why can't ai just go online find what it was I needed and be done with it.  The damn stuff is way overpriced as it is.
Another week gone by and still in Evanston Wyoming.  I had all intentions of heading west, but apparently my ciephering and UnAffordable Inn of Evanston Wyoming is not  doing that well and can't count for shit. 20 days is 20 days not 18-1/2 days. It's the smallest of shit that will come back  around and byte you in the ass.
Finally thank you to the extremely great looking lady I saw at our coffee stop today. Finally somebody who figured out white saddles and white toenail polish goes together with a white haltertop. Why can't the rest of the women in America get that idea? Fashion coordination. Does not happen often happen but is refreshing when it does.
Want to Express our deepest thoughts sympathy and prayers to President Trump and those that were gunned down overnight. I  feel a bit of empathy and wonder could the Confederacy have done something there? Maybe not but we need The Confederacy back in the Whitehouse. 

Saturday, July 13, 2024

so now let's look at A.I. what it can do and what it can't. and why we are not going with the beat of that drummer.

Artificial Intelligence.  Sounds ah inspiring don't it? Kind of a top down wind in your hair kind of operation. 
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE or A.I. has been in the cross hairs of many industries for so long yet no real advancements. Sure A.I.  can take a survey but it does not take into account that somewhere in that data stream that some sort of crunching numbers goes on.
Example: After getting shorted 3 days of a two week stay at the UnAffordable Inn of Evanston Wyoming and not even offered a Veterans or Senior Citizens discount I get awakened to a incoming phone call from the front desk.  Time to check out they said. Really? Spend nearly $700.00 for two weeks and not even suggested a few of that $700.00 refund put back on my plastic? Perturbed bet your trailing tire I was. But hey out from under that stress.
The survey is going to read a sweet stay. When in fact it wasn't. A.I. will not convincingly say this guest was shortened in his stay. Then the previous evening who can sleep with bar employees hooting and grunting in the courtyard? Hey a little quiet would be nice to be able to catch a few zz's. Quiet analysis not a thing will come out of that survey and I am betting your next inspection that no employees will be shit canned either. Business as usual.  Again A.I.  full automation that can't distinguish between sarcasm and serious. Such as when a Facebook account gets frozen because YOU poked fun T someone that works at Meta. Nor a notice saying they messed up, here is your account back good as new. Nope you must be banished and vanquished because something You wrote was taken at face value. When the Snyder remark might just be roasting a few nuts on the fire.
A I. deals in absolutes never sees 👀 beyond or outside of the box into the Grey areas of a simple phrase or context.
One of those things that I went back into broadcasting was I wanted to bring personality and the human equation bCk I  rather that just the latest numbers ratings of Nielson ratings and PPM numbers. Who cares if the locL garage band gets any airplay let's just run what everybod6else is doing. Not HazzardAyre Radio.  We strive to be that real person real human interaction not just keep running the same cookie cutter programming because it is safe.

A.I.  can't do that. So we said we ain't.  We run sequentially spaced mood enhancement and rhythmic music and humor flow. Not the Beach Boys in one music set and Ac/DC in the next.selection.
I am not going to do that.
More in the afternoon. 
L8R Taters

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Imagine a Cellular phone company that could really communicate.

Imagine a cellular phone company that could or would really communicate? Now you could be in a spot where your butt is being probed to see what mysteries is up there, the Doctor who ordered the procedure says they have to keep you another day. After what dang near 8 months and NEVER missing a payment albeit their idiocy of not adhering to an AUTOPAY, and yet you get told your vital life line is going to be cut off due a none payment? Are Forking stupid? Or just being mean? Or a combination of both? Did someone just get off the manure truck or what? 
What happened to the humanitarian factor? Again it's going to be one of these Zingers that I will have to fix here. However I don't think in fact from what I overheard last night as the close of business at the Depot part of the Affordable Inn here in Evanston Wyoming that isn't the only malfunction here. 
A few of the hired people here were ratchetjawing seems that some guy pall of one of these Phillies here went to our local hospital.  The hospital was starting to remove  body parts thinking the patient had croaked. Really? Now I personally think that EMH here does a helluva caring job here. I personally think too that outside of one minor snafu I have been taken care of very well.  Nearly as well as I did at St. Luke's in Twin Falls Idaho.  Which is now a level 4 trauma hospital. So I won't say yea or nae on what the maidens here were barking about but I also think there is a lot of looking the other way by a few local agencies here.I also think that with a none existent stop light crossing just at the far west of town where one used to be, that as this town morphs into a medium city that one of these hours or days someone is going to get in one humongous wreck there at Wasatch and County road. When a light could easily be reinstalled. The infrastructure is still there why not use it? Or at least make the dern intersection a 4 way stop ✋️ . It would be a bad thing to do. Or taking into consideration that the more this area grows things are going to have to be reengineered.. 
Then there is local business people not seeing the open field to make serious $.
Example: Between the Affordable Inn and the industrial park of Allegiance road why has no one came to the conclusion of a Maverik or such store? If it's 2 to 5 AM and junior needs bottle 🍼 milk 🥛 you have to drive clean across town. Now I understand why on the surface why the resistance is. I get off the Interstate fuel and then get on the Interstate without driving through town.  Yet that can already be done. Drop off at Harrison and re enter the big road at Wasatch. So why not make the area operational  by a quick stop type of place to begin with? 
What makes sense and what makes scents are sometimes two different things.
About as much sense as  cellular phone company not being able to communicate.
See ya'll in Twin Falls Idaho next week. Making the swing up that way for the fair there and to regain WolfPup. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

part doux

Now part duox. 
What few open business's that remained open during the pandemic is still under the gun 🔫 from those days of medium amounts of jobs to jobs galore. What we don't have the people are not willing to work. If it's not a sleaze job they don't want to do it. Consider what was built is in jeopardy. Why cuz nobody feels the need to bust a sweat.  The immigration problem isn't a real problem.  It's a collective effort that had aroused because Americans got lazy. America got complacent and our Southern brown border conquistadors found that if they are willing to work for Lower wages that the highly Whiteyies won't get off their padded hinders to do. 
If the Government wanted to do the smart thing why not roll out a program to All Americans a million dollars.  With that million dollars the end is that A: open a business.  Or go to a trade school to learn how to do a real job paying a real wage for something tangible. Be it construction on a home or building 👷‍♂️ or a service 🤔 that makes money.  
Example one of the eating establishments I go to. Closes way to early than they should.  Why? No available employees. Another is Jodies Diner here in Evanston Wyoming.  Some of the best food and eating examples of affordable dining. They close for two days a week.  Why? Not that it's not the lack of business, nope it's a severe lack of hirable employees. We are killing ourselves. What we see constantly is the degradation of anything that resembles independent individual thought or creativity. 
I always think of a bunch of things that come from the minds of who I will say was thinking out of the box that was yet to put in a box. Gene Roddenberry of StarTrek was dead on when it came to collective thinking.  It was brought forth into a race that were all created or programmed to think alike. Called the Borg. The statement tha Lacutic said that resistance is futile. That is what we are rolling into unless a few of us creates a serious disturbance in the force and start to foster creativity and independent thought. That is what we created in 2018 called Hazzard County University. A place that cultivates independent thought and research. It goes beyond that but can be said in just a few words. Resistance is not futile.  More over instead of saying why here? We say why not here? Unlike sheep Wolvez are leaders. We hunt and defend the pack at all costs and that's what the bottom line of the WolfPack is and why we are growing. We may have taken off our dress blues and now wear battle Grey we are defending a nation and a world. 
Over the next few days  I will be off line for some serious R&R. But I will be watching. Until 08/15/2024 when you seethe full moon Don't hesitate to Howl. 

but can you fight them?

It's no big secret that social media and social marketing is required in this Era. 
No longer a spit and handshake does not get the acknowledgement that it used to.
In this period of time in and fore the first thing some body asks is: do you have a web site? If not the continued response is going to be rather cold if not exist at all. 
Having IT in your plan's is a great idea many times even Artificial Intelligence can't do what humans do.  Humanoid brain 🧠 can reson as well as get out of the box and can introduce imagination where the other can't. 
While its a fact that those in charge of things today don't have people skills and could you imagine Boss Hogg didn't have IT ? Still in business today a computer or online access is vitally important. Social Norms are different these days the arm Twisting of years ago no longer apply. Shine runners will always be Shine runners. It's just part of our DNA. THE dredged chase it down battle flag of our Confederacy is only 1 of many of our social norms. Those who know , more than BDO we extend ourselves as the only noise of the Confederate Rebel voice. Not pre recorded not Automated but on the air 24 7 365. That is who we are. After my phone charges up a bit I will delve into this a bit further.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

no matter how slice it, ratings determine spending money on it.

Before I get into my rant need to know that the legal.beagles of the WolfPack have been engaged to go after Meta ND its subsidiary Facebook to not only to recover the Facebook pages and accounts there on, but too the funds lost there upon.. 
Now number 2: an old nurse maids saying goes Hell has no fury like a woman scorned aka left at the alter. In this sitch Lucifer has no power as that of a phony street princess told no. This caused a delay in me getting my usual pension funds this month. Started with ALex Sandra or in reality Alexandria . And Ginebra Bett.  Both wanted to raid the treasurey of both the Knytes as well as the WolfPack. 
This could not have came at a worse time but it is being handled.  The scrupulous Nigerian money stealers will be found and dealt with accordingly. 
TV is suffering a big financial resurrection from pre pandemic and post pandemic periods. On air talent program writers strike delays in production runs for both old and new programming and new season shows the list goes on.
What the Networks giveth the ratings and dollar amounts take away. 
Some shows take at least two maybe 4 seasons to gain a following. While some get off on lust by way of first feel or viewing.  Even theatrical motion pictures are having a hard time unearthing new films and new film releases and discovery.  One of our op is that even as we take up the reels and plant new seeds. The real relief is that radio 📻 still remains as the first social media platform, the first music 🎶 platform and quite honestly the major piece of Americana entertainment.  From instant news to talk radio, the audio platform still remains the most accessible for no real cost of information and enjoyment. For this I am proud to say first and foremost I am a broadcaster. Aviation and my world of going tiewing not to be triffled with still it is and was radio that helped me go fom being a timid geeky dork to a powerful energetic individual. 
Over the last two months I have went through a living earthly Hell. Started with the theft of my finances by some kinky bullstuff from two con artists.  That was why last month and this one of July I sit broke 💔 you don't know or can't know that being able to walk in  building. Kneel down and worship the God ND my maker, only to be told by those of some authorities that you are not to be allowed to enter there in. This relates so bare with me here. 
There's one young girl child of 17 that has a very smooth and lustrous voice that I wanted to get on audio. Her name is Destiny and from what I was gleaning sang a hymn unlike anything I had ever heard.  Of course right away the raised eyebrow of those in attendance thought I was some sort of preditor hunting prey. When all I cared about was and to help this young girl to be brought out of the shadows and more into the light. For me in radio I got lucky. Or blessed 🙌 or both, but Wooley Waldron the Kent Lee followed by Charlie Tuma not being willing to impart some of their wisdom I might as well have been some nergdy gurddy tow truck jockey. As it was I was able to explore my vocal skills and experience and has paid off really well.  Of course there's some at our local Golden Arches emporium aka McDonalds here thinking this old fart wants to get busy in a bad way with one of the late teen girls that works there. She is extremely bashful and very reserved but I can tell you with the proper teaching and mentoring she could be one asphalt burning radio 📻 anchors that you'd ever have heard.
Now in all this I get snarled at quite often, but isn't it written in the old as well as new Testiments of God's word that those that are given much it is required by our Father in Heaven to bestow our knowledge with others. Said on StarWars that those who have been blessed be required more to give much? 🙏 
Then there is the manure about profiling. I never think of the race nor gender of a person and try to put that person in a category. The person is just a humanoid people. Yet and it's not just here, it's everywhere I wear a scruffy beard and at times smell worse than a swine hauler. Just because I ride a Harley and take notice of pretty ladies and all I am profiled. Local fuzz local business person and more. I am one that needs to be gotten to know better, rather than the 3 piece suited door to door salesperson of the certain church that I'm ostracized. 
Just before you know whether or not our show are one's you have to listen to rather than just a fly bye Podcaster.

Monday, July 8, 2024

when the flying liars and by nighters are worse than the fly by nighters.

As Many of you know by now. HAZZARDAYRE Media has been doing the revolving troubles with META/FACEBOOK.  Seems as though that both the scammers Alex Sandra and that Ginebra Bett were involved in fraudulent schemes to circumventing our important information. Not only from Facebook and What"sApp amongst others of our marketing tools.
Situation has rendered our Facebook account unuseful
 So I am looking into several outlets to do damage control as well as rescuing our accounts. @ our expense no less. This kind of outright bull manure is way off from my usual activities. I  should be able to rectify this short of flying to Palo Alto California landing my chopper in the middle of their courtyard walking in with an oak solid ball bat and giving some FB college Jenks a AyreWolf style attitude adjustment. 
So ya'll just be patient we are twisting a few testicles of the who and all's involved. 
This kind of manure is just a big version of what happens when you deal with bots and A.I.  Nothing replaces the reasoning skills and stretch of a true human being in the help chair. All our content is being held hostage by Meta that we cannot seem to break through that glass wall. 
At nearly $500.00 an hour of revenue loss somebody at Meta is going to feel some real pain. 
Big day today getting our finances regurgitated. Had to change bank accounts last month and that caused us another gall darn day of us not getting the flagship station back on the air. 
DO I recommend Facebook to anyone else in  business? No. Do I say that you should not advertise on Facebook again no. The pay per click isn't worth it. 
Ayrewolf Aviation has grown from a single suggestion to a thriving and energetic company with 122 aircraft and 7 airbase we fly out of and headquartered at 4 of those 7 ayrebases . That growth did not, repeat did not come from being on Fakebook it came from a simple listing on . At a simple price of $10.00 a month I might add. Not the  $25.00 per click of Facebook.  But in media you need to have some public exposure as in Facebook. Just keep that exposure to a brief limit. 
Staying here for the next 4 days here at the Affordable Inn of Evanston Wyoming, then cruise down the highway to Tweaker Flatts Idaho to do battle there with the Syndicates bank and my Ssa/V.A. pension funds.
Lights out.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

It's always about pheete and pantyhose

Never ever have enough of the feel smells or orgazzmic eruptions but somewhere in my path of ascension I got a warm fuzzy feeling about women that wore pantyhose or as they say in the UK tights.
I remember that once during a lunch counseling session with a 4rth grade teacher although I had been up in 6th Grade but for some odd reason I escalated to one teacher by the name of Ms Jensen.  She always wore the seam up the back pantyhose that made me dribble. 
While that might not be where this craving came from it certainly makes some but not all but some women thinking I'm creepy
 The idea of some guy[ namely me ] just wanting to caress a pair of shapely legs in pantyhose or the slightly salty but musky aroma of a woman in pantyhose and those toes in those pantyhose ags9my lips and nose. 
By the time I had escalated to Central Davis Junior High School in Layton Utah, there was two teachers that had my total attention in those super short mini skirts. One named Ledeane Egbert and Sherie Read. Both had such an effect on me that can't be put into words.  While Sherie didn't mind the after-school phoote massage Miss Egbert did. To the degree I was taken out of her classroom and put in Mrs. HARRIS classroom.  Same English Literary study class. But Mrs. HARRIS was not visually appealing Miss Egbert was. I would always have her stop at my desk. While one hand was on my desk the other hand constantly brushed against her soft legs in nylons. By this point she was having no part of that and as such Mr. PAssey our Vice Principal was a constant pow wow'. Now neither Miss Egbert complained so bad I got put in a 4 x 8 time out room. Once Mr. WARREN got into my face that I fought back. Plus I told my Dad about the way I was treated there. My dad went to do an Marine Corps attitude adjustment. Needless to say shortly thereafter  neither me nor Mr. Warren got a fisticuffs and I was home schooled 
. That's all I wanted 
And needed. It was a rainy day in Layton Utah. And both Mom and Dad decided to retire from military service and shortly off to Hagerman for aka Hazzard Idaho. Nuff said about that. 
The change in my environment went from being a gator without water. I  started to becoming more rebellious and mean. 
So there we are. Throughout my life's journey the aroma, feel and release from all my tensions all can be reduced to that miracle called pantyhose. ✨️ 

after awhile I just give up. I don't go away mad I get even

Is having a Facebook account really worth the pain in the ass ? I say no at least entirely.  While the business of the Hazzard County Syndicate thrives on Facebook I get so damn mad that if that stinking Artificial Intelligence bull crap was a humanoid I'd personally would cut their throat and poop down the hole. So what to do? Go use the desktop and get the account back. In the meantime ya'll can find what you need to know of Hazzard County Syndicate activities you can see here and eventually on the webcast. Which can be heard by logging into . The other is to pay Facebook off for albeit slim results the adsweare.  posted there. 
You play with Lucifer you get 🔥 fire. 
Now the other day while waiting to get to see someone in authority at New Horizons counseling I saw a current edition of the very  magazine that I learned how to read 📚 with. Yes Humpty Dumpty magazine

Imagine that? For a long time I wondered if the periodically changes changed. If it did. What I read there wasn't what I remembered. But it was still being published. 
I started reminiscing of childhood.  My childhood.  I was really blessed and raised to use my brain 🧠 and not so much Braun.  I remembered getting a hard on watching Yovan what's her name doing the role on the original Batman as Batgirl. 
That tight figured vynal suit got me through a lot of puberty moments. 
The real up close and personal journey included thoughts of the first time I had a real French Kiss. Who knew that opening your mouth and playing tonsil Hockey was so much fun? I remembered The first time I saw a Playboy magazine.  Did women really have public hair? And what about that VW Minivan with the Cheerleaders? Who were they? I always thought the Vajay Jay was further up a woman's torso.  Hmm that view was courtesy of Miss Mathers my English teacher. Did we really need to a person to teach us moreover me how to verbalize language? Shit I already was into radio broadcasting at that stage I could 👄 talk. 
As it was got to see someone at New Horizons counseling which as far as I could tell was a waste of my time ⏲️.  
One thing Evanston and all of Wyoming needs is better physically psychological counseling services. Wyoming has one of the highest suicide ratings in the entire U.S.of A state's 
Those in charge of this kind of tax paying dollars are low if they exist at all. It's just not there. Idaho leads the nation on mental health services although you have to dig deep to find it.
In closing I say no you do not need a Facebook account to succeed in media business.  But it does help. Well sort of.  The success of and for AyreWolf Aviation has came through Google my business listing. Which you pay once a month at around $10.00 not $25.00 per click.
Late night 🌙 TV sucks as it is now. But The Hazzard County Syndicate is here to fix that. Can you see DixieAyrevTV? 
More on that in my next post.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Many come many go but this little girl always steals the show.

2020 there I was at my desk at Knytes Hall in Twin Falls Idaho.  Thumbing through program ideas for the show. 
A Dear Dear media friend of mine sent me a photo reel of a new talent she had just brought into her stables.
From the very second I saw her to even now this young darling took my breath away from me and Don't want to take it back.
That little teasing smile was what started it and these limbs 

Has kept my attention ever since. Her stage name is Emmy Picasso what her real name is I have no Idea. The answer to the question of the millennium is would I love ❤️ to meet her for real? I think you have the answer. Obvious answer of does a bear poop? 🐻 ya'll know the question and response. 
What I do know is starting this winter I am taking off from the radio gig and going back east to see if A: if I can find her And B: go out on a romantic adventure with her. What I wouldn't give to make that happen except for my rides I would donate to the Dukes Muzzeeum . Just to connect with Emmy. The real coincidence? I do know a sweetheart in Twin Falls, whose name is emme. 
Stay tuned