Monday, September 2, 2024

Southern Winds

So was the weekend from hell. Really didn't start off that way but it was the way it ended. I will go into the specs of the Twin Falls Idaho Twin Falls County Fair  later. Only to scatter gun 🔫 that what I saw there in what could only be considered rather non-conventional outer threads and I mean threads was something of a Mountain Man's dreams. Was on display everywhere.  In three of the mercantile buildings was to booths that had women that I can only say had my rather firm attention. 
One was at a booth of tension realesers. The two super blonds demonstrating a massage 💆‍♀️ device that on the surface was easy to enjoy. The product was great the Las Vegas showgirls one who said was from Lava Hotsprings the other was from the Soviet eastern block. I mention this only from this advantage of if any one of the Hazzard County Syndicate aka Mountain West Confederacy had requested such of any local honeys here we would be getting hauled off to the local crossbar hotel. 
I make mention here too, that I made acquaintance with some sort of pitch model hostess that although she was in her 60's something she had a set of lower hind limbs that rivaled even Daisy Duke's lower limbs. Even though she wasn't wearing nylons of any kind. Maybe she was. If so they might have been the spray on kind. She said she was off to Montana then to Idaho Falls Idaho for the Bonneville County Fair there. Which you can rest assured that I will follow up on. Why? As being a pitch demo hostess for Home Depot.  She just might and I say might and maybe could put in a good word for HazzardAyre Radio. 
Jumping forward here 
So was cruising the cyber super slab and while not completely back in with Meta still got back in to chatting with Mary Ievi.  Mary was one of the true angels of our original HazzardAyre Radio op here in Twin Falls Idaho.  Now to be agreeable here she was hired on for two openings in the Syndicate. One was to be my Special Care person and two to be a sidesaddle in studio 🎙 💔 the latter was only carried through by one named Beverly who really did go on air. Albeit in a streaming steaming scents. We did a thing that resembled Goeroge Norray aka Art Bell's Coast to Coast AM which we renamed Coast to Coast FM. Mary Ivie never did jump on air. Nor did she try.  But, I got along with her.
Now there were many who were part of that installment institution that complained they were not getting paid.  Here is the kicker, none of those fancy princesses who must have drawn a blank at the idea of what is called Sweat Equity. Aka going out to the public and businesses here and cold sell air ad time.  Had they done so, there was a paycheck. At our low ad rate of $150.00 a month flat rate for unlimited air placement all of those sweet cheeks could have easily put  $50.00 a pop per ad sale in their pockets. Aka $50.00 per hour per sponsor. But did they consider that? Nope. Think of it this way : at $50.00 a snag,[no pun intended] if all they did was sell 20 sponsors that's $1,000.00 a day and an easy $1,000.00 a month recurring. Each month. Obviously thats on the lower end of the scale. The more sponsors the more $ they would have made . Each of those supple legged sweet Hearts ❤️ Nope they just thought the cash 💸 would drop out of Stovacore. That's Heavrn for you none Klingon types out there. Don't laugh at references to Trekie things. Teflon Don [Donald Trump] did the same thing at the tail 
Of his Presidency. At that it was The new unit of our nation's military called the Space Force. Look at the insignia of such and look at the insignia of Starfleet Command. Next at the threshold of the pandemic the vackseen for that was said by Don develop it at WARP SPEED. 
Accident? I don't think so. 
Now back to Mary Ivie. I have opened the door to her at every possible moment.  Even to pay back wages. [I  loved her homemade Veggie soup too] 🍲  thing is has she even considered driving down in Her Caddy Suburban and offered to spend any time getting reacquainted? Maybe taking me to do a beard trim? Nope. Am I difficult to locate? Same hot rod aka General JaXson Saturn Nope. Hidden? Nope always sitting here doing my writing waiting for Tom to get me a 🔑 key 🔑 for the new studio 🎙 and begin the remodel. She said she has a young son that could use part time employment.  Can he swing a 🔨 hammer 🔨 pull  wire? Maybe Mary isn't keen on the thought of her young son hanging with our Son's 
But he'd learn a few skills in broadcast engineering. 
My Lunch break.  See you all.

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