Monday, September 2, 2024

Mutual ConscentualS

So in my last endeavor post here I eluded to yesterday starting okay but turning into a disaster fiasco. 
The shyt storm started when with two hours before my extended stay at the Holiday Inn Express of Twin Falls Idaho. When after the go rounds of constant balleewho decided to enduldge in the courtesy alacart breakfast. So.figuring on food poop and shower then toe nail clip went to grazing grub. So far okay. Type 2 diabetics with no gallbladder needs feed. Upon feeding went to my room and pamper. Nope the MexiCali that two bits wasn't even legal a mere separation of a N1A Visa. Had decided to herself to tidy up my room. So 2 gallons of 🥛 milk 🥛 and my diabetic medications 💊 went to the big blue trash heap can. The Milk was one thing. $40.00 I could have looked past. But my glucose meter and medications 💊 of an even $300.00 gone. Slightly irritated went to the front desk. Normal protocol. To  which I can only describe as morbidly obese decides to being a bunch of Beth would not only address the situation but got bit chy which my nerves were being trampled over . This was the last draw.  Since only the morning before about the same style of performance.  If these high priced gluttonous swine temp joints can't even wait for some one to grab grub before they begin their sanitation duties.  Then maybe they should ought to quit offering a comp breakfast. Check out then eat would be the step in the right direction. Ya'll think?

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