Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Ah the stench of it

The stench of it. But too, if it was such a great idea why ain't someone else doing it.  Used to a TV ad for Dial soap 🧼 that asked aren't you glad you use Dial? Don't you wish other people did? In the case of our 📻 radio 📻 station project just because no one else has dove into rivatalizing the AM 24 7 365 all live radio show or shows its not so much the fact of doing radio old skool its the fact that there just are not that many younger people wanting to get into the bizz. Sure they consider that there is  not much room for advancement and that for the most part they think THAT LIVE personality Radio is a gone craft and thus they have not much if any at all interest in it. But we plugging along with our shoulder against the wheel. Not just in front of the mic but also in the behind of the scenes such as audio and or engineering . These days in most these vocations a good well rounded person of moderate curiosity can just a about write there own ticket. Society of Broadcast Engineers certified golden  screwdrivers and silver soldering irons are in great demand yet few want to stand up to be counted for what the listening 🎶 are to receive. I know a set of lyrics from a ancient AC/DC song 🎵 but it is true. Enough said on that.
Yesterday Monday , was one of those days that if it weren't for the buzzing around my cranium I would have just rolled over and went back to sleep. While I forgive fully I do have don't forget.  It wasn't so long ago that I gave to the point that it hurt. Toys many of which were so new the toys were still in their packages. I remember stuffing the area kids of 12 to 15 kids a piece  Christmas Sox. Even then I did so very reluctantly.   Butt 
I gave away.  Toys that would fetch  purtty penny Yet these days  now that I could use a bit of spare
Change I can't get even one even my own kin to cough up some $'s.
I have always been one of a generous but at the same time suspicious attitude. My own kin was all there with their hands out great to take yet think I stink and their butts don't. Most people round these parts are quick to point a finger. This is not what so.many forget is the King of all Jesus Christ taught. In the parable that 📚 reads  If you have a bed and your fellow brethren has none give him yours. If you have a coat and your fellow brethren has none give him yours. Like most religious types only say if it's popular or such.  Not what the passage or message is telling some to do. Simple analogy. Few consider our flag of DiXiE  Is the cross of St. ANDREW THE 1st disciple of God[Kahless] . Preach on Sunday sell on Monday. 


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