Saturday, September 28, 2024

Ayrewolf's Skoal Can Reviewe

ANd so the day arrived Thursday. The male corpuscles of the Flfc filed in and off to the south  hills we all went. Although I have flown over the camp spot many times  it was spectacular to ride up with a guy named Ray and I marveled at the beauty a painting if you will that only God could have painted. The tree.tops order the entire scenic Ι“ack  drop. 
First came dinner. Which far surpasses any Cafe food I ate till I couldn't eat no more.
Then came the evening worship session. With a very big surprise.  One of Gcso's finest did the preaching.  He told the story of his near death experience. Where he survived a collision with a big rig at the side and near burning up coming out with 3 degree burns. All through his sermon he showed slides of places on the Wendell Hazzard Highway. As he did I tried to identify the location as I know that stretch of asphalt extremely well. 
Then it was lights out.  There was a moose 🫎 cow and 2 calves in camp cute as can be. For some odd reason the mama kind of favored me I walked right up scratched it's nose then in my bunk. 
Friday came with a scrumptious breakfast then the activities.  Let's just say my volleyball 🏐 and are throwing skills need work. Then did a thing with BB guns which while all fun I did worry about one of the idiots hitting one of the calves or mama moose.
There had been reports of a puma or two so when I needed to squirt I opened the door to the cabin hung it out and went.  
Every time though when I'd go out I would look at that super clean sky. Stars planets galaxies. A tapestry that again only God could paint. 
I came away from the event with a very newe perspective on life.  I  have found solace in the fact that here is Religious body that doesn't make me feel that I have to be any one else except me.
TΔ₯e Southills of the Sawtooth mountain range doesn't have very good if any cell service nor much in the way of Internet.  Some how I really didn't care. Being out of touch was of peaceful nature.  As Ray and I departed This Saturday morning I thought for at least an hour of do I have to leave that spot? Do I really need to resume the stress of my empty environment? Had I taken the General 

Had I did, I most likely would have not returned to this sad state of affairs of this is this life. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Church isn't always a Church. it usually is a big money grab and a huge secret club and you and I are not invited.

I have noticed that whether it's a big cross ✝️ or a steeple on the building that sign that says all are invited is not entirely accurate. Church is supposed to be to gain knowledge of and understand better our creators.  Not to smuggle a bunch of money from worshipping souls just to keep the lights on. Some good Samaritan concepts enter that picture πŸ“Έ.  I don't mind and through my family's gifts to many religious bodies in this area and down Utah way. What I don't groove on is coughing up money then being told there is a limit of what a hand up cash gift that I can't have any or put a barrier between myself and said Church and or congregations of Churches. Okay sure I ain't great on dealing with money.  Never have been. On the flip side have never been greeted by someone that could help me in that skill or financial skills. The big shake out here is this. The Syndicate that is the Hazzard County Knytes and the WolfPack combined, have people upon people who manage the finances of the Syndacate. I make a suggestion investigate the concept, but ultimately it's the decision of both Big Kelly, Big Jon and Me then even then it's put to what is called a Mayhem Vote. Here lately I have not had a bunch of pluses to.put in the pro column. It's when the Syndicate says yes its based on people who work with us and it goes smoothly. If not or if one of the membership gets insulted like what Brian did in Evanston Wyoming, that it perhaps might be embarrassing to the rest of the membership or any part of the Hazzard Syndicate, the decision is unanimous drop it and start looking elsewhere. 
Of course me from all the moving that I have had to do after what 6 years now due to property owners and managers that don't tell you where to or how to pay the dang rent to or where or who evaid a autopay direct deposit system then boot you out for no paying rent especially in the middle-of winter then the Syndicate says we don't do that there. Like wise me every time I have to move it takes time to restructure finances. Face it SSA, the VA and such takes time ⏲️ to set things back in line. Face it.if you owe the Yankee Government money it takes what ever agency at minimum of 10 minutes to siphon.out what you owe them. However if they owe you it can take anywhere from 60 120 days or 6 months to get things back in.line. This is what Church aid and or the LDS Church calls it Church Welfare is for. So that you can have a roof over your head and a fixed address that's verifiable so that you can get your own house in order. Not cause even further stress on top of what you already have.
No life is not fair. God did not promise us it would be easy and he also did not promise us  rose garden.  But he did lay things out so that we can be charitable with each other.
Afghanistan πŸ‡¦πŸ‡« took 25 of our membership that were deployed there. I never could get to see our flags over those coffins because I was here trying to deal with a few zealouts that thought their poop πŸ’© did not stink and would not even set up a pay plan to bring myself and or the radio werx current. First it was being scammed out of both the club house plus my tiny apartment.  Then to an office space downtown Twin Falls Idaho, then because I did not know who to pay rent to then there was that old Jewish guy that never did tell me how or to who to pay the rent to. Then Wyoming.  Wyoming had 3 phases of planning.  1st rescue LexiBelle 
Plus after being ripped off of $20k of Snap On tools that was on.WolfPup 
Then the alternator and a really bad battery on General JaXson 
Followed by a rapid relocation to Evanston, having to live in General JaXson 
Through partly last winter. Then that Shawn McCallister throwing me out right at the time I was putting things in line so I didn't have to live at the studio.  The list goes on. So just because it's called a Church don't mean they follow gospel or truth of his words. 
Organized religion is one big pile of a club and you and I are not.inviited.

DID WE start that?

Did you hear 3 near fatalities in a single afternoon in and near Boise. First in near Meridian Idaho then one near the Nampa exit, thena suspicious package πŸ“¦ near St. Luke's Urgent care center. What the heck happened up there? Heck I was all over that place most of the late morning to just after 13:00 and I didn't see a dern thing. Heck several places I even left the windows down and doors unlocked on the Ole General here. 
Was it the fact that noise of me and the guys of the Hazzard Syndicate were up there or what? 
Seems as long as the Syndicate is in a place the riff raff stays away.  It's only when we depart that crap hits the fan.
It was nearly the same thing that I experienced in Salt Lake City a few months ago when I started bugging Corbin Kitterman. As long as we remained on station everything was peaceful.  The very Second we headed  back to Evanston, that the Punks got back at it in Kernz and West Valley. Wuz up with that.
One thing I did notice was that Except for messing up the streets with all kinds of Construction and redouxing streets we used to know, are all kinds of confusion however yet the same business 's are still where they were there then. When I departed Boise in 1986 or so. Back then Boise was not so bad to afford to live there. Today while  there is some gems under $1,000.00 there ain't much.
So with most of what was getting dragged thru the manure that was 🐌 slowing us down  taken cRe of for the present ti.e at 14:46 I sniffed the sky and home I came. Whether it is a mutual affection society here or not I  was born here. Got the first real crotch massage here, and began  for the long haul my broadcasting career here. From Murtaugh to  Bliss and to King Hill[King Hill Idaho has a street named Montgomery, who was kissing what rump roast there do you wonder?] This area is my home, the Syndicates founding ground zero and I'll be Gomer z Pyle  if I ever am forced out of here again. People can learn to be kind and courteous or die. 
With that said in some jurisdiction or another come next year your g9oing to see this Ole Grey Wolf on the ballots either way as I am declaring right now preservation of this area where we began.
I am feeling much better now. Stress level is way down and while having a apartment or home would be groovy sleeping in the General JaXson is not so bad. Sure it get a bit nippy around 02;40 hours as it is I am at peace. Finding this church here and the bonds I am making here plus having my focus on our Savior Jesus Christ πŸ™ I don't need a bunch creature comforts. 
A week ago today I experienced a total mental nervous meltdown. Had it not been for a certain pair of Deputies of the Jerome County Sheriff's Office, this old Grey WolF might not be here today. I was looking at just driving over the canyon rim and let the glass tinkles land where they may. 
But a tank of go fluid and some understanding from some very kind shrinks and two social workers at the Boise VA hospital and I am now doing not unwell. With that I  learned that although there is one the Mission Men's homeless shelter was not for me. So I slept in General JaXson at the Black Creek Rest Area just outside of Boise ate well and got business done..
Still shopping around for a place for the radio op. One is in Burley the other out where KMYW FM used to be. Our time to completion. Time frame got pushed out a few more months but it looks like early April 2025. It will happen

Right now I am just floating on air and not getting to rambunctous. When it's right Jesus Christ will tell me so.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Let's call this entry: the house that the Knytes built

While I slept quite peaceful previous night at the Black's Creek Rest area south of Boise on I-84
Today was an eye πŸ‘ opener.
Much of the VA had me registered with the VA just couldn't find my Military records.  The old tag of that if you say Military Intelligence is a misnomer. It doesn't have a clue. Add to that if your of Southern ancestry you are shunned or at least seen as a prostitute woman in Church.
That being that, what if there was a place that did cater to those Southern Veterans? Both domestic as well as the Confederacy? 
How about a place call it the Southern Veteran Home. Where the good parts of the Union are observed and Dixie traditions were taught and respected?
It takes someone who has been in both camps to understand what I am ratchetjawing about. Darned if you do darned if you don't.  
All too many children are taught historical lies rather than the distasteful truth. The domestic Union of these American States πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ only know one side of a conflict that erupted due to mere greed. The Yankee's stele the south said enough and the cannon balls started flying. 800,000 men boys and even civilian sympathizers died in that conflict and to date nobody from the Northern Union has ever been called on the carpet or investigated for war crimes. There needs to be a rekoning and resolve of those Crimes and as it has always has been the Hazzard County Knytes and the WolfPack are in that fight. I am one of many who go homeless, hungry and destitute in that fight. We fight the system. It is stated in the lyrics of our theme song, it's our culture and the saga continues. 
Now I am only one person.  Of some 400,000 that belong to the Mountain West Confederacy as well as having my roots firmly planted in Southern DiXiE soil.
What if there was a home or at least a domicile to house and feed πŸ€” us? 
The answer in my next entry. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Ah the stench of it

The stench of it. But too, if it was such a great idea why ain't someone else doing it.  Used to a TV ad for Dial soap 🧼 that asked aren't you glad you use Dial? Don't you wish other people did? In the case of our πŸ“» radio πŸ“» station project just because no one else has dove into rivatalizing the AM 24 7 365 all live radio show or shows its not so much the fact of doing radio old skool its the fact that there just are not that many younger people wanting to get into the bizz. Sure they consider that there is  not much room for advancement and that for the most part they think THAT LIVE personality Radio is a gone craft and thus they have not much if any at all interest in it. But we plugging along with our shoulder against the wheel. Not just in front of the mic but also in the behind of the scenes such as audio and or engineering . These days in most these vocations a good well rounded person of moderate curiosity can just a about write there own ticket. Society of Broadcast Engineers certified golden  screwdrivers and silver soldering irons are in great demand yet few want to stand up to be counted for what the listening 🎢 are to receive. I know a set of lyrics from a ancient AC/DC song 🎡 but it is true. Enough said on that.
Yesterday Monday , was one of those days that if it weren't for the buzzing around my cranium I would have just rolled over and went back to sleep. While I forgive fully I do have don't forget.  It wasn't so long ago that I gave to the point that it hurt. Toys many of which were so new the toys were still in their packages. I remember stuffing the area kids of 12 to 15 kids a piece  Christmas Sox. Even then I did so very reluctantly.   Butt 
I gave away.  Toys that would fetch  purtty penny Yet these days  now that I could use a bit of spare
Change I can't get even one even my own kin to cough up some $'s.
I have always been one of a generous but at the same time suspicious attitude. My own kin was all there with their hands out great to take yet think I stink and their butts don't. Most people round these parts are quick to point a finger. This is not what so.many forget is the King of all Jesus Christ taught. In the parable that πŸ“š reads  If you have a bed and your fellow brethren has none give him yours. If you have a coat and your fellow brethren has none give him yours. Like most religious types only say if it's popular or such.  Not what the passage or message is telling some to do. Simple analogy. Few consider our flag of DiXiE  Is the cross of St. ANDREW THE 1st disciple of God[Kahless] . Preach on Sunday sell on Monday.