Sunday, August 11, 2024

Face it Ladybugs stink but so does some Google apps

The dreaded 404 post. You think your pages and blog posts are near bullet proof yet you post it and to your dismay you find a 404 dns. Say what? 
The tech giants guru's have you by the crotch berries. 
While you pay up the arse for some of the garbage. Fact is some servers still don't recognize most of them and as such you are screwed and tattooed. So you have to meander through tons of garbage just to get something, anything to work as it once did. 
Some services are still operational even though many got swallowed up by bigger ops yet fact of the 3matter many of the analog programs are still viable. 
Social media has changed. Used to be only a few handful of sites. 0r Yahoo Chat etc. MSN Chat oh the days of simplicity. Then Came the new kids on the block. Most were based in what is called Silicon Valley California I call it queerbay but it's the same place. Certain outfits allowed some shut to seep through but the majority were of a PG ratings value. Altavista, Google, Twitter and of course Facebook that FYI was cofounded by the creator of the music pirating service called Napster.  
Fact is much of it is untouchable by the tech giants that are near Teflon 
Variety can't touch em and nothing sticks if you do. The concept ✨️ I'd ❤️ love to do is fly down there. Walk in say Google with a piece of lumber and smack the little goofballs upside the head to make a attitude adjustment.  Won't happen but I 'd love 💕 to. 90% of those programmers have never been away from their cubicles at the least and even worse never left queerbay. 
It is a shame but the only way to combat those tech giants is to build your own site. Or in our case sites. The WolfPack has 4 sites the main one is the other two is Cooter's Corner and of course . The Knytes have two. and . More are under construction and due out mid 2026. Then as now and in the past we build for duration not just to get it out for the heck of it. 
Going to rewrite one of my posts and see if it rolls out. Watch for it.

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