Sunday, August 25, 2024

this is not just humor it's a real observation.

There is not ever going to be many covergirl super models in Twin Falls Idaho or for that matter Evanston Wyoming.  Although there's more of a possible siting in Evanston Wyoming than Twin Falls Idaho as Evanston Wyoming is 1 hour and or 80 miles from Salt Lake City Utah and or 45 miles and 20 minutes from Park City Utah home of the Sundance Film Festival. 
Twin Falls Idaho is still a basic medium sized farm town.  Try as it might to be more it won't be with its current political Government leaders here.
With that. Said the MexiCali Narcotics Cartells that have moved in here. Fact is two teens were shot here one fatal and one fatally injured. Be that as it is going to Church or just about any style event here, you just won't on average see real hottie style seatcovers. They don't exist. Most are at least are 20 pounds over a healthy weight size. There are not, 👎 not what you would conceive to put in front of a camera Lenz for a TV or such ad especially for a DiXiE nation based TV/Radio Network/station 
When you do find one out of 1000 audition sessions you best hold onto it like a Cowboy on the desert finding fresh water 💧. 
You just know that your not always going to be that lucky and or blessed 🙏.  Not going to happen. 
Sadly the real slim wasted honeys here are of the crack head Meth junkie variety. If you do find one that is moderately clean you hire them on the spot. However most of them are so damn paranoid you can't work with them for very long if again at all. 
Now then generating attention of a near strictly a web or internet vases radio IPTV [ internet prodical television] Media channel means days months even years of constant nationwide promotion and advertising to attract new audiences. Audience participation is crucial to getting the attention of even the most liberal potential advertisers. Again requiring hiring photo actresses to boost visibility.  
Sure you see 👀 
The porn stars showing lots of 🦵 leg 🦵 but you rarely see toes and even worse than that many think their bottoms don't  stink. 
Even more so they think they can make more money doing albeit soft but foot porn than mainstream 🤔 modeling and or doing TV ads and or shows.
In studio 🎙 👌  I maybe old fashioned or such , but I'll be darned if I am going to spend 6 to 12 hours in a 10 X 10 studio with some big ass'd stench dude[guy] doing a radio shift. Ain't going to happen.  It's the super religious thing here in this area that puts a whoa     
That just smells like hell
➕️ plus I ain't queer unlike it seems as though Harris is running on the stripped timing chain expressing that we all are supposed to love who we want to. Can you say appealing to the LBGQ voters? A story for another entry.
But I will be darned if I am going to spend 6 to 12 hours in a studio 🎙  with some guy. No way Bucko.
Of course recruiting women of any age to a radio shift 
Is difficult to get.  So that's one of many reasons we start recruiting female humanoids before we deal with any guys  . Besides the guy shifts 
Are all members of either the Hazzard Knytes or the AyreWolveZ WolfPack. 
DiXiEiTes are able to laugh at ourselves. It's called lighten up.

It's called a senseof humor. a skill us Confederado's learn is to be able to laugh at ourselves.

A very wize and thought inducing radio personality I regard as one with great vision by the name of Charley Douglas the fathered a gig called the RoadGang Trucker Radio show which became a cult classic for many of us who took to the highway to build our lives on as gearheads OTR Truckers and us who hook 🪝 it for a living said it best. 
On one of his shows he made a closing address at some public address gig that went: " one of the things us Southeners have is our ability to laugh at ourselves and enjoy it. Beyond the ability that folks that have A Legacy and roots in of the Heavenly place called DiXie possess is the fact that we can take an insult or a contradictory comment and turn it around and make a living with.  Two examples one that Foxworthy said in one of his appearances was about the negative label 🏷 called being a Redneck.  Understand the comment Redneck originated about as a farmer who after plowing a field many by a mule drawn plow would come home with a sunburned red neck. These days it's about some folks like 👍 me and many of a DiXiE nature live a bit more simple and direct to the point rather than being caught up in the Mean People that think they are all that. Putting yourself into the thought holding pattern is a bit narcissistic.  😳  Considering that there is only two above and beyond human being the Father and only begotten son Jesus Christ..
On a personal basis: when as a tease and what would be an derogatory remark I was subjected to at age 17. One of the foundrs of the Hazzard Knytes put a piece on a billboard that nick named me the Pantyhose Kid. Many would be offended. Me on the other hand with an extra load of positive self confidence took that and reversed it. Saying I Love Toews aka going towing for a career. That was long before I re-entered the affection of all things aviation. 
Got it now?
🪝 hooked highways
Our Co email remains 

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Not looking for a hand out but a hand up.

There are times that make you wonder why? Why is it that some overpaid communiMexiCali or minor ethnicity person can't be all they can be from a military background to assist a homeless veteran? Not to being racist or the like but, when you call a serious crisis center like 988 it's some spearjucker lady who is not anywhere near being homeless residing assumabley upscale apartment or house with running water, and private buidware that while sympathetic and all couldn't really give the kind of advice that a military Veteran needs when being at the end of all options? They don't have a clue. 
Now to the latest on my sitch.
While I did take an overdose on my medications and all the only thing that happened was I got a bad case of the poops. Paramedics were called by our local constabularies but all they did was take my glucose reading [250] then after a long conversation left. But only for a few minutes. Soon the same Paramedic came by with a sandwich some 🍟 chips and bottled 💧 water. 3 to be exact. Only to be followed up this past morning with some frosted flakes and a half gallon of milk 🥛.  Then this gearhead this past evening gave me a whopping $7.00 for go fluid[ gas ⛽️  ] for the General JaXson  
So doing OK. Thing is that tax fraudulent outfit called Recovery in Motion couldn't be bothered.  Look the  250.00 so far is appreciated but with this heat and all the least they could have done was drop by escort me to the Twin Stop Oasis filled the stomach of the General JaXson 
All would have been great. No no they couldn't be bothered.  Said they were broke. Really? How about taking some of that Meth money and helping out a Veteran? Namely me? Sure they are there to help? Sure anything you need will be there for you? Bullsbreath.  This is their way of keeping some one sober and not not  relapse. Again bull manure.
👀 see 👀  why there is a need for what the Syndicate does and is here for? Also see 👀 why we need for your continued financial support is so crucial?
KnyteWolf Radio explained in my next posting.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Her name is Sadie and this might just be the one.

Been a very rough last 24 hours. Woke up with all intentions of taking the ticket to the Train Station.  I didn't of course but after hours at St.Lukes and all seems as though I gained a new lease on life. To the point that for all my shortcomings I can see more than just a headlight in the tunnel. I really see daylight. 👀 
So there's this sweetheart 😍 ❤️ at the MVM here that I started a conversation with a few weeks ago.  Mostly in the recruiting of some on air talent. Since then it's not just the sunshades she sells at her Kiosk. There is real chemistry.  Although I am a good 40 years her senior yet she and I are bonding in a way I never could have imagined. She grooves on my humor. She not only has a voice for radio but she also sings and writes music. So what she has two youngn's when I see her she just makes my spirits jump. Although in the morning I am albeit reluctantly going to check in to the Crisis Center for a week. Still after this week the cork is coming out of the bottle 🍼. With acquiring of the old C3 building here in Twin Falls, at a whopping $80million still its the plan that both the Knytes and the WolfPack have put me in as the CEXO of the project and it's not just that I am going to kick butt. The gig is such that between her and the Syndicate my world 🌎 Is about to turn around finally. Dig this ; she has a purrfect tiny nose. Cute little toes and her name is Sadie. Yup just like the gal who did the live action 🎬 film for the Disney Channel called Kim Possible. Photos tomorrow. 📸 Saturday go into the Crisis Center and take the rest of it all as the wind rushing over my cockpit in the Lady 
What a plan. 
L8R Aviators 
Oh and dig this she wants me to teach her to fly L8R Aviators 

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Help What? looking at life as if I stepped off

Woke up this morning.  No go fluid for ye Ole General JaXson 
Or much food.  Started to feel like since I have done it all might as well step off. Why not? Who really would care? Family no where wants anything to do with me. Hey Mum and Dad didn't Include them in the beneficiary list of the near over a quarter mill.$ not my fault so they are bitter. And yet now that I could use a hand up they want to turn their back on me. Too bad my bio parents aren't here nor that my parents didn't tell them no. Guess the door only swings one way. Too bad we were so generous and not so selfish. Wish we would have been.
So started calling local aid type outfits.  Guess the funds that are supposed to help people in need have been used by Too many Bureaucrats. Too many expensive lunches for dignitaries so no go fluid or housing funds. At the end of the fiasco called the VA ADVOCATE. Here, she said stay on point and roll over to St.Lukes where I sit. Glad I didn't have od'd or something , as it is I 'd already be being planted with the fall crops. 
This kind of manure is why the WolfPack exists and why the reasons why resource of ours is scarce and in need of an infusion of funds. To be able to assist with basic needs at times of crisis, even if your not an alcoholic or chemicaly dependent. Just in transition  mode. It's why don't matter if it's Trump or Harris wins a more thoughtful approach to benefits to and for us who put on a flight suit strapped on a aircraft and flew into harms way. 
Makes you wonder too, that all these people jumping over the fence on our Southern border.  Why? No jobs and no inexpensive housing. 
Stay Tuned.

As far as HazzardAyre
 Media/ HazzardAyre Radio is concerned: that's still a go. We did a site survey today after the benefits fiasco was over. Aim is Burley Idaho first then the super cathedral studio 🎙 HQ in the old C3 building is the McDonalds parking lot at Poline and Blue Lakes Blvd. As far as the temp 🎙 studio 🎙 at 2nd and Shoshone in Twin Falls Idaho, that is only being held up by the lack of Communication  by the property owner. When Judging the sitch don't look at me look at the Hazzard Knytes/ WolfPack.  They hold the purse strings and are waiting on the conclusion of the Presidential election and foreign policy that will bring our AyreCrew home or redeploy them.  Now to a few of those outside of our Ayre Space.
Many say why hire when nobody got paid or few got paid. 1st: to get a paycheck you have to provide a place for our bean counter to send them a paper check. The Syndicate would rather do direct deposit rather than spend time to send paper payments and or paychecks. 2nd you have to do something that is worth a paycheck.  If all you do is show up and play with a smartphone doing everything except produce and or write episodic Radio content don't come back later and ask when do you get paid? Likewise coming into the studio to seriously be on air, for dang sure come with that intent and do time in the studio  🎙 
Not just being a JAFO[Just Another Fucking Observer] it's like being a mechanic and never pick up a wrench. Want paid? Work. That simple.  Why women first ? I am  not going to spend 6 hours or more in a 10 X 10 studio with a guy. Bad enough to have a RIO in a cockpit that's a guy. That's the short story. 
More overnight. 
All I know is I will be great full for my desktops back and running. Smartphone apps are cool enough but they are not desktop computers.