Tuesday, October 31, 2023

The Fresh Dixie Ayre


Like Erkel used to Say, "Did we do that?" Looks like it. Sometimes What you need to do is try it Confederate Style.

Started on this in 1978, and haven't let up off the throttle of it ever since. Just a few days into that fall, was sitting on our front porch after a purtty good catfish dinner, complete with mom's specialty tater salad. So there twuzz, 

Skoal in jaw, Forester Sisters on the Philco Radio, and plenty of Uncle's Rush and Serious. When a couple of Pacifico types drove up in this rental mobile, cuzz nobody round our parts of the Northern Western Confederacy area ever drives this kind of hoopie.
Out came 3 fellers, two you might know one you barely would know. Funny he never was on screen with any of us. That in a future entry.
So out they came. Mom threw on a couple more catfishes, and we got to scarfing. Now one guy was one you'll recognize named Gy Waldron. He's kinda of a dreamer. After we got done scarfing, We went out to the shop. Of course OUR General was in there, all Deere Orange/black. Of course they were impressed. See Gy Waldron was the driving force behind the never dimming and refusing to die Dukes-of-Hazzard TV series.
Gy had just got done with a premier, of a film called the MoonRunners. Which was the prequel, to the Dukes. Only a few names were changed to protect the uncurious. 
After all of that, my Mom sat me down and started to tell me about my kin folk in Alabama, of our links to the City of Montgomery Alabama, and so on. This is what got me suspended alot in school and from school. See I was hearing the Lincolnites version of the war of northern invasion, and the one that my mom and kin told me. Ther side Mom told me was more plausible, and so I began to repeat it. I learned it, and continually strive to learn more. It is fascinating and none confrontational, in the start, yet, due to the WOKE/CANCEL era of now, it has been on the verge of distain. So after I made a point of explaining to just about every history class teacher I met that Abe Lincoln, wasn't so honest Abe. Of course the next movement of that symphonie was , removing me from pubic school. So the last 2 years of my lower education came from Mom, Mr. Lindsey, Miss Hobson, and mucho home skool. 
What I absorbed was a love for everything Dixie. and Dixieland. And for those now saying why do I keep banging my head against the dern blooming land of Lincoln, rather than bathing in the warmth, of the land of Jefferson-Davis, is because as it is right now I couldn't move if my life depended upon it. However that is an end goal post.
What I will promise never to do is forget, and lap of luxury that is to be one from and in blood of Dixieland. 
As such we begin 2024 with a few changes in some of our episodes, and programming. Many you'll hear of later. The one I'll address is the one by the title of this Gazzette entry, Dixie-Ayre. And it will be, all things fresh Dixie-Ayre. 
From weekend biblical programs, to Confederate politics, to southern cookin. Dixie Ayre will soon replace HazzardAyre. And will ayre { cool hug} on the official handle of AM 1240, Etown Wyoming, KDXC Kay-Dix-Cee . 
Oh and as I close today, want to float out a teaser. Ya'll know of course of my hosiery phettish. So of course I always notice pheete. However, I'm beginning to tune in on the breathing apparatus, above the lips, called the nose. Is it a cute kitty small nose? Or a upside down V-Ditcher? 
More Menyanna. 
Starting December 1st, Dixie-Ayre Radio kicks off be on our network, online at ayrewolffm.com and what will be dixieayreradio.com  .
Ya'll Come back Tomorrow.

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