Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sometimes going OutLaw is the only way to go, but there may be a twist.


There are times you have to go OutLaw, there just is no choice. You don’t want to but the system that is so fouled up, is cutting its nosey noses off to spite their faces, cuts you off for doing something you know is needed , but some regulatory body says, nope ya’ll can’t do it, or makes what should be simple very complicated. You you decide to run OutLaw.

Two years ago, the grand poobaws at the Federal Communications Commission an agency that really needs an overhaul, under the guise of encouraging community radio announced that in 2013 a filing window for  new LPFM license applications would open. So we took the procrastinating method thinking we had plenty of time. We didn’t, we shifted in gear in April last year thinking we could Git-R-DoneGIT-R-DONE by the deadline. What we found was we couldn’t . We had virtually no staff, no outside engineering help, plus my company’s doing fire duty there just wasn’t enough squirt in the bottle to gain any altitude. So the decision to go OutLaw was made. Now there are serious penalties for running a pirate radio station if your caught. The best way to avoid detection is serve an area that needs the station in the first place, but is enough removed that no body including the Feds bother you. Then of course is the next best way; the good old and I mean it’s the Internet is rusting bad due it being old, but Internet Radio. Which is harder , because unlike a terrestrial radio station, where you can go automated and go home at night online or IPR or Internet Protocol Radio station is a on demand anytime from anywhere. If your going to play with these bigger dawgs than us right now you better bring you’re a, game along with you’re A(AyreWolf); Team. But b4 I go into what our plan is here understand the roots, and why and something I’m having trouble with and why I’d like to have Eli, or someone like him here 24/7 or at least within reach.

Back in 1974, with the Arabs holding off oil exports and all, the Feds, decided to cut the speed limit to double nickel. Or 55. So truckers(and just about everyone else) got cb radios to find out where the fuzz was , who were always so happy to bust everyone for mashing the pedal. Out of all this Hollywierd came running. Several major films and two TV shows came out of that. So a few cb nuts including myself wanted to go trucking. So what happened? A few adults in trucking got together with a youth CB club and the results came to a bunch of gear heads, and gear splitters that became the TeenAge Truckers Association. That evolved into the United American Independent Truckers Association, which as one of its subsidiaries is us the Knytes-of-Anarchy.

During the formation of the TTA, getting ANYTHING on already established media here in our region was like trying to put socks on a duck. Just not possible. So frustrated we bought some aging radio gear, and in a room used for a garage band, KDSL went on the air, then changed to KLHR(Long-Haul-Radio) then to KTOW that we sold late last year to a University in Colorado to facilitate KDXB/KDOH. The delay of and loosing the filing window, makes getting us on the air through Internet. Thing is, back in 1979 I stood in front of many of you in that room at the old big house, and I told you then, if I am not in the cab of a truck or tow truck, I had no damn business being on radio yapping about trucking or towing. I was not going to be some rooster on a stage.

I relaxed on that in Utah in 2002 when we took on the gig of AyreWolfFM . This was about flying and I was doing that so it was okay, but then came 2004-1/2 and we all said lets do it again. Back then just before I relocated due to lust from Utah to Wyoming I was towing so fyring up the radio thing for all things tow and truck seemed good. So we did. Then I found the place in CokeVille got some gal by the name of Julie McAllister, and a jerk that pushed all the right buttons, but ultimately the gig collapsed. This brings us to now. Outside of Burley where I was in the sniffing distance of going towing again, the rest of the time, since the big move, LexiBelle has sat for way too long, and I’m in the spot, to living up to my promise. I will not do radio unless I’m out toewing. The only excuse I have now is running for Charlie, but its not the same.

After going through some feelings of pulling out of Idaho these last two months, and realizing that the small engineering skills I thought I had , have dwindled down to a nub. This new-used console we got. I can’t even wire.

The demands of my time snagging and dragging, which I have placed in the front of priorities, means less time on the radio thing, more time going toewing. I discovered this over this last two weeks, we have had two good snow storms roll through here. And while Charlie through my sweat got the lions share of the toew traffic, I came to the conclusion concussion, that some of that toew green could have been going in my pocket, as well.

Like I have been saying as well, I can’t move me to Utah just yet, at least for near 6 months, but that does not mean in two months or less that one of the or both of the radio stations couldn’t be relocated to Ogden as planned. But I need to get back in the cab, not just behind the mic, and/or computer keyboard.

For 40 years I have used up my resources, busted my balls, and served both the Knytes and AyreWolvez which I’m happy and have been happy to do. But I’m hitting the double nickel mile post on this highway of life. I have to start being a bit selfish and looking after myself as well as what qualifies me to be in the clubs themselves.

Any mile, need to catch some sleep.



Quote of the Day:
You are not what you own.
--Fugazi, American rock band
2 Thessalonians 1:3“[Thanksgiving and Prayer] We ought always to thank God for you, brothers and sisters, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love all of you have for one another is increasing.”

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knyte tail.

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